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Episode 12: Tips for Reducing Stress for Yourself and Your Staff

April 23, 2019

by: Sheela Nimishakavi

If you listen to this podcast regularly, you know that I love to end my interviews by asking guests to share what they do for self-care. And, since April is National Stress Awareness Month, I decided to dedicate an entire episode to self-care and stress reduction.

I often say that working in the nonprofit field, we are susceptible to becoming stressed and emotionally exhausted. It turns out the data reflects this as well. Two of the top stressors for employees are low salary and excessive workloads…. sound familiar?

So, if you’ve ever said “Yes, I need to be better about self-care but I just don’t have the time,” then this episode is definitely for you.

The 5 tips for self-care discussed in this episode are:

1. Mindfulness meditation practice (If you’re a nerd like me and are interested in learning more about the biology behind the benefits of mindfulness, check out this article)
2. Journaling- there are so many options, but one that is easy to get started with is Morning Pages
3. Loving Kindness meditation practice
4. Get creative
5. Establish routines

The 5 tips discussed in this episode for facilitating stress reduction as a leader are:
1. Flexible work schedules
2. Set clear goals and expectations
3. Encourage movement
4. Celebrate every win
5. Check-in with your staff

Don’t forget to share your self-care tips on our Instagram or Facebook page!


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